Abraham Charara

Software Engineer & Developer

East Lake Foods
IT Team Lead
For 4 years, East Lake Foods was my home as a software engineer. It was there that I honed my craft as a technical support member, web developer, and innovator. This page is dedicated to the major projects that I both picked up and kickstarted throughout my time there, as well as the impact that these projects have left on the company and will leave for the years to come.
IT Nuggets
As a long-running member of the IT team, I was largely responsible for onboarding new members. Through this process, I found myself (and others) often repeating the same information about our administration services and support over and over again. This is why I decided to create small videos, called IT nuggets, that each cover a specific topic. At first, these were simply made to supplement the more general operations of our servers and sharesite. Over time, however, the success of IT nuggets lead to a much more expansive catalog of videos covering everything from our SQL database schema to how workers operate inside of a KFC. Using SurveyMonkey, we collected feedback and continued to tweak the IT nuggets system, even adding quizzes for users to take on more complex concepts such as coding in C#, HTML, and JavaScript. I had also worked with East Lake Food's HR department to implement the IT nugget system into a series of small videos and quizzes for topics such as sexual discrimination and employee misconduct. Finally, I had created a space on the sharesite for IT nuggets. This made the entire catalog accessible from any computer with an employee login.
Tech Support
Being such a large company with multiple locations, computer breakdowns were very common. When a KFC, Tim Hortons, or Pizza Hut had computer issues, it was my job to go on-site and fix the problem in a timely manner. The most common issues were holes within the software for placing orders and taking payments. The software is 3rd party, meaning we cannot open the source code and fix the bugs directly. Instead, we typically find workarounds such as rebooting the device remotely or reverting to a previous, more stable version of the software if the problem is recurring.
Computer Safety
Two projects that I developed to promote tech safety are fake phishing emails and thumb drives. Occasionally, I would send a variety of fake phishing emails to employees all across East Lake Foods in Michigan and Ohio. If anyone clicks the link attached to these emails, I am notified via email and they are redirected to a page that teaches them about the dangers of phishing scams, what to look out for, and an IT nugget video that goes further in depth with visual aids. My second project, fake thumb drives, was used to spread awareness to the dangers of finding an unidentified thumb drive and plugging it into your computer. I developed a simple executable software using Java XML that, when executed, notifies me via email and teaches the user about the dangers of opening unknown software, to avoid plugging in unknown thumb drives, and a IT nugget that goes further in depth with visual aids. I then put this executable on a few different cheap thumb drives and leave them on the floor of the office buildings found throughout Michigan and Ohio. Feedback to these two methods of teaching tech safety was very positive, as I had gotten less and less emails about people picking up the thumb drives clicking the phishing scam links over time.